Youth Offending roundabout, Tadworth

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This roundabout is at grid reference TQ 240 563 in Tadworth, Surrey. It is the junction of the Brighton Road (A217), Bonsor Drive, Dorking Road and Tadworth Street. Signs on the roundabout read:
The Surrey Youth Offending Team assist in the maintenance of this roundabout
in partnership with Reigate and Banstead.
Photos taken 2008 March 4 circa 09:25. See this exchange about the political rectitude of these signs. I got involved because I felt that a glossary started in Wikipedia would be much happier if it had a wiki all to itself. The group involved have the disticntly amorphous name of Association of Panel Members. They put out a request for photos and they have used these (so far only the thumbs) on this page.
Coal Tax Post No. 156 is supposed to be about 300 metres north of this roundabout but I could not find it. However there are a profusion of Coal Tax Posts south of here, with the southernmost one being close to a splendid view from the crest of the North Downs.
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Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   © Copyright Roger W Haworth and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
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