Roger W Haworth Monday, 2025-02-17, 10:41:51

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«  February 2025  »
Wifi Analyser's report at Blythe services Wardrivers may have seen Wi-Fi access points Bolsena, Maggiore, Panarea and Stromboli (They are actually in all capitals but I cannot bear to reproduce shouting.) pop up together on their machines. The explanation is that they are all in one box on a Marks and Spencer site. More recently I have seen other Italy-related names replace some of those on the list. When the site offers public Wi-Fi, one of the names will be replaced by the public access. Previous text from 2014 Jan 02: I have seen these four in various places, most recently at the Blyth services on the A1 near Doncaster. The highly recommended Wi-Fi Analyzer app tells me:
  • they are all on the same Wi-Fi channel
  • they all have the same signal strength
  • they are all from a box made by "Symbol TechnologiesWholly owned Subsidiary of Motorola"
  • they have consecutive IP addresses - in this case 00:15:70:7B:28:28 through ... :2B.
From this we can confidently conclude that all four of these access points are located in the same box. Multiple logical access points in one box are not unusual - standard BT wireless routers all offer three different names. On the basis of the Wikipedia article about Symbol Technologies, I suggest that these access points are in a supermarket or similar and are there to allow hand-held barcode scanners to communicate back to their base. The four different names enable different departments to have independent communication channels. All four names are geographical features of Italy: Bolsena and Maggiore are lakes. Panarea and Stromboli are adjacent islands though the latter is better known as a volcano which is effectively the entire island. (This page reports seeing "Symbol TechnologiesWholly owned Subsidiary of Motorola" providing WLANFRIENDSHOUSE but when I looked on 2014 Jan 13, I could not see it.)
Views: 4881 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2017-08-05

Graduation day 1967 This is a response to Wikipedia is a poor substitute. Frozen copy as at 2012 April 9.
Here is a typical example of what Wikipedia editors think about the use of award-winning and you are recommended to not use "click here" as link text.
"No editorial or academic experience". I wonder how many more edits I will have to do to Wikipedia before David Henderson will consider me experienced - apparently 40,000 is not quite enough yet. The photo on the left was taken on 1967 June 15 and shows me flanked by my doting parents when I was awarded the degree of MA (Cantab). Incidentally two images earlier in that set is this photo that I took of Susan Jocelyn Bell (as she was then) at the same graduation ceremony. Now, she is somebody who can be described as award-winning.
Wikipe-tan mopping  
Two important fundamental principles of Wikipedia:
  • All information must be verifiable from published sources. The academic qualifications of the editors are therefore irrelevant.
  • Editorial decisions are made by consensus among all editors not just admins. Two reasons I use the twee image on the right as a symbol of my adminship: a) she looks totally unlike me and b) it emphasises the fact that administrator rights are merely janitorial rights. Our job is just to clear up messes.
It had never occurred to me before that Wikipedia might put Encyclopedia Britannica out of business. Perhaps I assumed it had already gone, certainly when one puts any encyclopedic query into Google, Wikipedia is usually there as the first result and Britannica is nowhere to be seen.
David, if you are in DC in July, I hope you will come to Wikimania 2012. You will, I hope, be impressed by the seriousness, dedication, etc. with which the people who are building Wikipedia approach the task.
Views: 7388 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2012-04-08

Heron All galleries have now been transferred to This entry is retained for historical interest.
110MB which is where was hosted, had some very restrictive ideas on the use of images remotely. It did not allow hot-linking, ie. embedding (there would not be an image here if still hosted at ) which is fair enough. But it did not even allow you to link to an image: 106125.jpg.
This is rather silly since, if you have phpthumb, you can easily hot-link - as per the thumb left or link thus: 106125.jpg. In both cases, this makes more work for the 110MB server than if they allowed linking.
phpthumb user guide.   More RWH photo notes.
Views: 3611 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2010-06-10

To get back to the original state of an image in an RWH collection at fotopic: See also these notes.
Views: 3858 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2009-01-28

Heiroglyphs sample British Museum
Found as Image:Heiroglyphs sample British Museum.jpg on Wikimedia Commons. Now deleted. Source of the non-photoshopped version and its licence are unknown.
(If it is treated as a two-dimensional work of art, then it is old enough for a licence tag of {{PD-Art}}!)
Another view of the real thing
Part of the sarcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre in the British Museum.
Someone apparently working in the Ford Motor Company offices in Dearborn near Chicago and obviously with time on their hands uploaded the image on the left to Wikipedia. A very sharp-eyed person noted: "second column from the left, five down. Is that a real animal or a photo-shopped monster?" After a bit of searching I found the image on the right with a curious space where the monster has been inserted.
Views: 5373 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2008-09-29

A few more files which were deleted from Wikipedia for copyright reasons.
This "Destinations" board is on display at Blackpool International Airport. I was amused and puzzled to see Sorrento marked because I had been there recently and I knew that it does not have an airport - it is on a steep peninsula - there is no room for an airport! The nearest airport is Napoli.
They are not airports but package holiday titles. As in these offerings from Newmarket Travel. Either Newmarket have now dropped Sorrento or it was being offered by a different company.
Destinations board at Blackpool Airport

Views: 5762 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2008-04-09 | Comments (0)

Despite the fact that the airport at Manston in Kent is 124 km (77 miles) from London, it insisted on calling itself London Manston Airport as can be seen on this "2½ inch" OS map (1:25,000 on paper or 625 pixels/km in the full size version) from 2005.

It now calls itself by the more realistic title of Kent International Airport. Same map in 2008:

The current state of the map can be seen here.

Images produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service and reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey.
Views: 7874 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2008-03-27

The ucoz website is a bit coy about where they are - always suspicious. But I came across this press release giving a Moscow address.
However other sources suggest that the servers at least are in Chicago.
Views: 3502 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2007-11-28 | Comments (0)

Upload agenda:
  • Eastfields railway station
  • 068367/8.jpg - temporary traffic control
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Views: 3662 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2007-09-26 | Comments (0)

Views: 4888 | Added by: RHaworth | Date: 2007-09-14

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